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You’ve done all the hard work, exercising like a maniac and restricting your diet, but when you look in the mirror, it’s still there, taunting you. Whatever your “problem area” may be — hips, thighs, the lower-abdominal pooch — you can’t seem to make it go away. You’re frustrated and feel like you’re out of options.

As a healthcare advocate, owner of Matrix Age Management, and an avid exercise enthusiast, Dr. Patrick Proffer understands wanting to feel and look your best. As a medical doctor, he also understands a variety of factors (genetics being a main culprit) make dissolving some problem areas impossible.

When you’ve reached an ideal weight and live a healthy lifestyle, but still struggle to target those specific areas, liposuction can help you achieve the sculpted look you’ve been after for so long.

At Proffer Surgical Associates, we use SAFELipo®, a comprehensive body contouring process that delivers smoother, more natural contours than traditional liposuction. Because SAFELipo® patients experience fewer complications and claim the procedure is much gentler on the body, it’s perfect for active patients who can’t afford a lengthy downtime.

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